The Digital IF Interoperability Consortium (DIFI) is an independent industry group formed under the auspices of the IEEE with the broad goal of encouraging interoperability and standards for space ground systems. This regular series explores interoperability issues and advancements to satellite network standards.

DIFI Consortium logo DIFI Consortium logo
Stuart Daughtridge
by Stuart Daughtridge,
Chairman of DIFI
DIFI Consortium logo
Stuart Daughtridge
by Stuart Daughtridge,
Chairman of DIFI

The Road to

The Road to

Plug & Play Digital IF. We’re Getting There

6/26/2024 Link icon

A group of people working on laptops and configuring server racks in a technology lab setting.

DIFI held its second PlugFest last week and our first in Europe at Satellite Applications Catapult’s Harwell campus in the U.K.

For those not familiar with the nitty gritty of standards development, a PlugFest is an event to validate the effectiveness of a technology standard by testing how well devices from different manufacturers interoperate. Standards bodies like DIFI hold PlugFests periodically, especially when a new rev of the standard has been released. For DIFI, that’s DIFI 1.2 introduced last September. Members congregated at PlugFest Europe to test compatibility with that release as well as version 1.1 functions.

Nine equipment makers, including ARKA, Evertz, ETL Systems, Keysight, Kratos, Lasting Software, Safran, ST Engineering and Welkin Sciences, submitted for testing an assortment of modems, digitizers, simulators, and testing equipment. Some 178 test cases were executed with 93% of tests at least partially compliant and 75% fully compliant. Makers can take the results back to their labs to tweak the—mostly minor—aspects that did not fully comply. That’s one of the two biggest reasons why PlugFests are held.

The other reason is to help mature the standard. In this event we tested all the submitted products together simultaneously as well as independently. Interestingly, we found that participants addressed one specific area of version 1.2 differently. The solutions worked, but not optimally. This is the real value of the Plugfest for DIFI, since now the Standard Working Group can go back and address any ambiguity in the spec that led to that situation.

The PlugFest helped us tremendously in maturing the DIFI standard and advancing interoperable digital ground systems. I want to lead a round of applause to all who helped organize the event, especially to ETL’s Simon Swift who chairs our DIFI Specification Working Group for his team’s hard work. I also want to thank Dr. Ilias Panagiotopoulos from the European Space Agency’s European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT) for his keynote address to members, and Harvinder Nagi, Senior Systems Architect-Future Networks, at the UK Space Applications Catapult for chairing our panel session.

Standards Aren’t Just for IP. The Optics on Optical

5/29/2024 Link icon

From RF to RF-over-IP to cloud and lasers, functions that once only used to happen in “ground” systems are coming to be spread out across space and cyberspace as well.

A recent report by Novaspace (formerly Euroconsult) predicts the optical terminal NGSO constellation market will grow to some $800 million in the next decade, and that optical connections between those satellites and between satellites and terminals on the ground will be a key part.

A bar graph depicting projected open-market revenues for constellation and single satellite missions from 2023 to 2032, showing a significant increase in revenue, especially for constellation missions.
Projected market revenues by mission type from Novaspace’s 2024 Optical Communications Market report. (Source: Novaspace)

While analysts are not predicting laser will replace traditional RF space-to-ground operations broadly, there are considerable advantages to be had, such as high transport rates and increased security. As with other types of connectivity, interoperability will magnify value. For example, what if communications could go up over Starlink and come down over Kuiper? Or mPower, or a GEO constellation, especially to service congested areas?

Defense and other government agencies are particularly interested in lasers for their own reasons, for example, the possible ability to interoperate between communications and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) and related sensors. “Inter-” being the operative prefix.

The other SDA, the U.S. Space Development Agency, has an acute interest in these systems, so they created their Optical Communications Terminal (OCT) standard in 2020 to provide, “interface specifications that enable space vehicles and payloads developed and operated by multiple organizations to readily exchange data via optical.”

However, Novaspace also reports the recurrence of a challenge that plagued IP and RF technology-- proprietary infrastructure that challenges interoperability. “Over the next decade, Laser Communications Terminals (LCT) are anticipated to be internally developed, thereby creating their own standards, by existing Non-Geostationary Orbit (NGSO) constellation operators such as SpaceX’s Starlink, Amazon’s Kuiper and Guowang,” says Novaspace.

OCT, which is now in rev 3.1, may have an advantage over other standards efforts since the military is one of the world’s leading buyers of inter-satellite links. Does it have enough muscle to force compliance to a specific standard in a global commercial market? If Starlink, et. al., want that government business, it may have to adapt, assuming the government sticks to its guns. And will a standard for the government necessarily spill over into a commercial market standard?

Is SD-WAN the Killer App for Multi-Orbit, Multi-Mission?

4/30/2024 Link icon

Aerial night view of a vibrant, multilayered traffic interchange with illuminated roads in swirling patterns of blue and orange lights.

In the ongoing quest for practical “multi” solutions (multi-orbit, -mission, -satellite, -operator, etc.), I raised in my last post that the current focus on antennas was a “necessary but not sufficient” component. Achieving practical interoperations that meet efficiency and SWAP demands (not to mention economics) will also require digitally transforming ground systems/space networks with virtualized, standards-compliant modems and other components.

Virtualizing is just step one, however. Enabling fast, reliable, automated and resilient switching between those multi-variables (most of them governed by mission demands and SLAs) requires intelligent coordination. That’s the harder part and where SD-WAN may be the answer.

A software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) is a virtual WAN architecture that allows enterprises to leverage multiple transport services. Centralized control functions steer traffic securely and intelligently based on the needs of each specific application across the WAN including partners, cloud operators and as-a-service (aaS) providers. That’s largely because different applications have different transport requirements. For example, a serious gamer cares first and foremost about latency, while someone trying to download a movie cares mainly about speed, not latency. Recognizing these individual needs to orchestrate the network is what SD-WANs are designed to do.

SD-WAN may be what ultimately integrates satellite into the larger telco world, where satellite will be one slice of a large, coordinated service delivery pie.

None of this mattered to satellite operators before clouds and virtual telecom networks, back when satellites were all GEO and broadcast ruled the market, but it’s critical in an IP transport, multi-multi-multi ecosystem. Alternatives create opportunities.

I don’t want to sound Pollyanna, however. As with most things satellite, unique complexities arise. For example, unlike terrestrial networks, satellite links can have very different round trip times creating challenges in delivering packets in the correct order. Similarly, because available data rates in LEO are variable and not necessarily guaranteed, some form of probing mechanism is needed. There are others, but there are also solutions.

So, is SD-WAN for satellite necessary? Possibly. Sufficient? Nope. Here? Close. Smart? Yes.

Multi-Orbit Needs Multi-Tech Beyond Antennas

4/2/2024 Link icon

A satellite orbits a digitally connected Earth, with glowing lines and circular data points illustrating a global data-sharing network, against a backdrop of stars.

Multi-orbit antennas were in the spotlight at the recent SATELLITE 2024 show. I heard much talk about them in meetings, on the floor and in panels.

There’s no lack of reasons for the attention. It’s being generated by trends such as mission requirements from government customers, product announcements from companies, including Kymeta and ALL.SPACE, and, maybe most of all, the explosive success of Starlink with subsequent business reactions from other satellite operators.

Suitable antennas are the essential element of any multi-orbit solution. But, as the logicians say, they are “necessary, but not sufficient.”

One thing missing is interoperability for those antennas. Last month, DIFI announced the formation of a working group to develop a state-of-the-tech industry standard for the ESA antennas needed for multi-orbit operations. Without such a standard, you might be able to support multi-orbit, but not multi-satellite, multi-operator or multi-mission, which will be needed for many, if not most, multi-orbit strategies implemented at scale.

That requirement raises another. Today’s antenna standards are based upon a legacy scenario in which a single-purpose antenna is controlled by a single modem. Those modems are the next issue. Most current approaches to multi-orbit terminals are still hardware-based, leading to a bad kind of multi: cobbling many proprietary boxes into a “Franken-modem” terminal needed to access each network in each orbit. As we have already seen in most proposed multi-orbit solutions today, that’s going to be big, heavy, inefficient, power-hungry and expensive.

The only realistic way multi-orbit works, especially at scale, is with a digital ground network architecture anchored by software modems and other virtualized components. That’s especially true when you consider that an increasing number of multi-orbit antennas are starting to generate a native digital signal. Let’s be generous here: at minimum, it’s sub-optimal to convert that back into analog just to transport it to a hardware modem. This is one reason why so many of the traditional satcom infrastructure companies are racing to bring out software versions of their legacy platforms.

Modems aren’t the only software apps that could be added to a modern uCPE-type terminal to enhance multi-orbit operations at the near or far edge of the network: virtual FEPs, security functions, signal monitoring and much more could be resident and orchestrated to match multi-orbit mission and service needs. But they only work at scale when they can interoperate.

If you are interested in participating in the DIFI ESA Working Group or any other DIFI effort, please visit for more information on this and other working groups.

What’s Jamming Up Flat Panel ESA Interoperability?

3/6/2024 Link icon

A military vehicle is driving through muddy terrain, splashing water and mud as it moves.
An ALL.SPACE smart terminal mounted on a military vehicle. (Source: ALL.SPACE)

One reason is that they’re not parabolic antennas.

Most industry standards for satellite terminals that cover antenna functions, such as Open-AMIP/BMIP, are based upon the legacy scenario in which a single-purpose parabolic antenna is controlled by a single modem.

Electronically Steerable Arrays (ESA), on the other hand, use an entirely different model to support many different modern use cases, especially those involving mobility. ESAs enable combinations of multi-orbit, multi-beam, multi-band operations, meaning standards and architectures determined by parabolics simply don’t work.

This “multi-, multi-, multi-” capability drives the case for integration with digital ground systems to efficiently package and switch between different modems and applications quickly, something that can be done easily in a digital ground system with virtualized modems… especially if the pieces can talk to each other seamlessly and work in an orchestrated way. Without that, the problem of vendor lock-in remains.

To address this much needed challenge, the Digital IF Interoperability (DIFI) Consortium has launched a new effort to develop an interoperability standard for flat panel ESAs. Multiple aspects will be considered over time, from seemingly simple things like defining signal levels in the digital domain to the more complex, such as differences between small form factors and enterprise use cases, which have different driving requirements.

The new DIFI-ESA Working Group will hold its first organizational meeting this month during the Satellite 2024 Conference in Washington, D.C. Jeremy Turpin, Chief Scientist at ALL.SPACE will chair the group, which already includes participation from organizations including All.Space, Bascom Hunter, ETL, Kratos, Kymeta, STE iDirect, Systems Technologies, Viasat and Wavestream. If you are interested in participating in the ESA Working Group (even if not attending Satellite 2024) please visit for more information on this and other DIFI working groups. If your organization is not yet a DIFI member, that same link will help you join. I encourage any organization with an interest in this very important topic to reach out.

Sharpening the Space Network’s Edge

2/6/2024 Link icon

Sharpening the Space Network's Edge

My recent post about satellite D2D service triggered a flashback for Reino Tantilla, who replied remembering the days when flip phones, digital assistants and cameras were three separate devices. “What’s the next step in convergence?” he wondered.

As Yogi Berra said, “It’s difficult to make predictions, especially about the future.” In the case of satellite ground systems, however, we’re already seeing the next step in convergence taking shape: reinvention of what we mean by the edge of a satellite network. Predicting here is pretty safe because many in our industry are following the same playbook the IT and networking worlds already used to enable previous generations of convergence—digitalization, virtualization and standards.

In the satellite world, especially for satcom, the network’s edge has almost always meant an end-user terminal, usually consisting of an antenna, a fixed-purpose hardware modem and some kind of user interface. When you wanted to do more, or if you needed to support multiple missions, services or waveforms, you had additional dedicated equipment, as in Reino’s remembered multi-device world of the 90s.

That is until everything gets digitized, virtualized and orchestrated on standards-based platforms, as has happened with smartphones and is starting to happen now in satellite. Then, purpose-built, proprietary terminals can be replaced with generic compute (called uCPEs in the terrestrial network world) that can host multiple virtual modems, sensors, apps, recorders, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, security functions and more, all on the same device. The more satellite can be digitized, the more convergence can result.

In fact, the whole idea of what constitutes an edge is changing and converging. You could argue that multiple and hosted payloads were a step toward convergence in a sense, and as satellites and payloads increasingly become software-defined and multi-function, they become more like converged “edges,” not just a bend in the pipe. And the “places” where a satellite operator’s network meets a terrestrial network are edges where functionality can be added to better manage and orchestrate each set of systems. Sensor arrays can similarly be made more flexible, intelligent and convergent network edges.

Satellite D2D efforts have promise because smartphones and the networks behind them have already been digitized, standardized and stabilized enough that satellite can follow suit, eventually plugging into terrestrial network operating environments. How much capability we can offer from satellites will depend on resolving a few physics problems and getting our network systems integrated with theirs. The latter is certainly doable, and I have faith we’ll figure out the former enough to make an impact in the market.

Learn More About DIFI

Are you interested in learning more about Digital Intermediate Frequency Interoperability? Visit our website at to learn more about DIFI and how to become a member.

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