Voices From Space
Podcast Episode 68: Feb 12, 2020
Mark McIntyre, Chief Security Advisor, Cybersecurity Solutions, Microsoft
Satellite communications traditionally has been very conservative and resistant to change. Why should they now transition or trust the security offered in a cloud environment? Listen to Mark McIntyre talk about the type of security risks that may come with cloud adoption. More and more enterprises are migrating to the cloud and taking their data and applications with them. Ultimately, it is still your job to run your security, but there are a variety of recommended best practices out there and steps you can take right now to improve the security of your environment without breaking the budget. Mark talks about the fact that avoiding adoption of the cloud might provide a sense of assurance and relief but it won't necessarily make you any more secure. He believes that going to a cloud provider may put you in a better position to address security.
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Sergy Mummert, SVP, Sales Global Cloud & Strategic Partnerships, SES Networks
Jan 8, 2025 — 19 min
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