Carrier Ethernet-Over-Satellite

Link Opportunities Anywhere


Provide High Speed Service to Hard-to-Reach Areas

Deliver Connectivity To Your Customers in Minutes

The OpenSpace® virtual and orchestrated environment supports the ability to instantiate an E-Line Carrier Ethernet Service in minutes. The reliable and secure point-to-point link over satellite is designed to:

  • Increase operational efficiency
  • Reduce costs
  • Dynamically scale as needed
Deliver Connectivity in Minutes

New from NSR! Learn About the Keys to New Market Opportunities

Telecom-Satcom Digital Network Integration, The Keys to New Market Opportunities

Courtesy of Kratos, read NSR’s latest whitepaper, “Telecom-Satcom Digital Network Integration, The Keys to New Market Opportunities.”

The report written by senior NSR analyst, Carlos Placido focuses on the growth opportunity for satellite service providers to gain a larger share of the global communications market by seamlessly integrating with telecom carriers to deliver new services.

Study how leveraging standards can help you gain access to enterprise-class opportunities.

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Effortlessly Connect Through Ethernet

Offer Seamless Point-to-Point Connection

The OpenSpace platform integrates delivery of E-Line services. It brings satellite operators and Communication Service Providers (CSP) together through Carrier Ethernet-over-Satellite.

Satellite operators and CSP can now offer E-Line services meeting the high-speed connectivity required by the modern enterprise, cloud, and mobile service provider.

  • Fast deployment of a point-to-point service
  • Seamless integration with carrier networks
  • Support for cloud-centric operations

Flexibility, Scalability, Faster Time-to-Revenue

OpenSpace’s Carrier Ethernet E-Line Service opens new market opportunities not available to traditional satellite ground systems or CSPs:

  • Offer more dedicated bandwidth and deliver high throughput (over 1 Gbps)
  • Deploy services at scale based on demand
  • Instantiate services without over-provisioning the ground network
  • Automate service provisioning from the OSS to the teleport

Make it easy for customers to connect offices, datacenters and more.

Flexibility, Scalability, Faster Time-to-Revenue
Carrier Network Link Supported by Standards
OpenSpace’s Carrier Ethernet-Over-Satellite E-Line Providing Carrier Grade Layer 2 Services

Complies to Communications Standards CSP Uses Today

E-Line is a widely used networking service enabled by standards that include:

  1. Carrier Ethernet Networks (MEF CE)
  2. Service Orchestration (MEF LSO)
  3. Resource Orchestration (ETSI MANO)
  4. Digital IF (DIFI)

The OpenSpace Platform allows a satellite network to deliver end-user services in the same way as a terrestrial network provider.

Learn More About OpenSpace

OpenSpace Platform
OS-002a OpenSpace Enabling More Automated Scalable and Cost-Effective Ground Operations

The first fully digital, virtualized, software-defined and orchestrated platform in the satellite industry. It is built on an innovative, open and unified architecture that dynamically supports multi-satellite, multi-orbit, multi-payload and multi-band operations.

Download Fact Sheet

OpenSpace E-Line Service
OS-022 Carrier Ethernet Over Satellite - E-Line

A carrier ethernet over satellite capability that enables satellite operators to expand their delivery to remote locations underserved by other communication service providers.

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13530 Dulles Technology Dr, Suite 600
Herndon, VA 20171
Phone: (719) 598-2801
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