Enhance Efficiency with Our Virtualized Ground Segment

Virtualization Makes the Ground Simpler, Faster, more Manageable.

  • Takes advantage of the flexibility cloud computing technology offers
  • Supports migration over time from legacy hardware to virtual systems
  • Lowers operating costs, saves on resources and improves deployment times

Virtualization is Playing a Bigger Role in Satellite Ground Systems

Reduces Cost

Lowers OPEX and makes connections faster.

Makes Operations Efficient

Manages operations more intelligently and dynamically.

Avoids Downtime

Reduces unscheduled interims and enhances resiliency.

Webinar: Virtualized Ground - 4 Applications that Increase Efficiency & Scalability

Representation of a worldwide digital cloud

Watch this webinar to move beyond the theoretical conversations on digitization, virtualization, cloudification, and orchestration to a discussion on real-world applications. Find out how you can take advantage of these technology enablers being used by companies right now to enhance your own ground system operations.

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Satellite Ground Network Virtualization

According to Northern Sky Research, “Satellite Ground Network Infrastructure is on the cusp of a fundamental change.” In a new white paper, “Satellite Ground Network Virtualization,” Senior Analyst, Carlos Placido and colleagues explore the Space-based innovations fostering a new wave of change on the ground, including objective insights into the applications, scalability and dynamics of a new era they refer to as “the 21st-century Space Race.”

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Satellite Ground Network Virtualization whitepaper

NSR Webinar: Keep Pace With the New Space Revolution

NSR Webinar promo

Watch this webinar to learn from experts at Microsoft and Kratos about advancements in technology that are shifting the ground system from purpose-built, proprietary hardware architectures to virtual, software-defined platforms supporting multiple satellites, payloads and orbits on demand.

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The Move to a More Dynamic Ground System

In this article, Greg Quiggle, VP of Product Management from Kratos explains how the ground segment is evolving and adopting new technologies to become more virtual, software defined and cloud centric. While this shift in the ground model may seem radically different, it’s important to note this is not a futuristic dream; this software and cloud-based technology and concept of operations is in use in the terrestrial comms world, and in some satellite ground systems today.

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Delivering the Dynamic Ground article thumbnail

What Are Space Analysts Saying about Virtualization?


Innovative Satellites, Virtualized Networks and Dynamic Ground

Shivaprakash Muruganandham, Analyst, Northern Sky Research

New Space, the Rapidly Evolving Ground Segment and the Forecast for the Future

Pacôme Révillon, Chief Executive Officer, Euroconsult


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