Aircrew Training Systems

Aircrew training from Kratos prepares aircrews to anticipate, recognize and react to threats in a tactical environment. Skills, procedures and processes learned in the classroom and labs are practiced and honed in advanced simulators. Key pilot considerations including crew communications management, tactical formation considerations and weapons management are stressed.

Aircrew Training is also available in the Kratos Aircrew Training Center (KATC) for those occasions when budget or time constraints prevent acquisition and ownership of a simulator. KATC aircrew training systems offer aircrew trainees a realistic and immersive environment in which they can experience a broad range of scenarios and environmental conditions that they may encounter during live operations.

Kratos offers customizable turnkey training programs on light to heavy lift platforms in operational areas such as: Crew Coordination, Aerial Gunnery, Rescue Hoist Operations, Cargo/Sling Operations and Combat Mission Training.

Multi-Position Aircrew Trainer (MPAT)

Kratos’ MPAT provides unique capabilities for currency and refresh training in tactical weapons employment and sustainment for rotary-wing warfighters. MPAT provides a complete capability for training single Gunner/single Pilot training in a reconfigurable modular system. The system includes a Gunner Station, a Pilot Station, and an Instructor Operator Station (IOS). The system supports aerial weapons training on gun operations and emergency procedures with either the M240 or M134 guns.

Contact us using the form below for pricing.

Aircrew Combat Mission Training (ACMT)

Kratos’ Aircrew Combat Mission Training (ACMT) is a complete turn-key solution that enables aircrew students to train in an actual aircraft equipped with simulated weapons. Enclosed in a Kratos “holodeck,” a fully-immersive, mixed reality environment the entire aircrew can simultaneously train in blended virtual and real environments. Kratos’ ACMT, dubbed the Mission Rehearsal Training (MRT) System by the U. S. Air Force Global Strike Command, nearly doubles Combat Readiness Rates for the USAF 582nd Operations Support Squadron. The system also includes a Kratos mixed reality Ground Party simulator enabling ground crews to seamlessly join the collective training mission and train with their air support just as they would engage with them in real life.

Kratos’ 9-day ACMT course provides individual training in aircraft mission operations and execution, including weapons employment and mission rehearsal in support of rotary wing warfighters. This commercial course support consists of 30 Academic hours, 6 Weapons Lab hours, and 30 Simulator hours in Air Assault, Aerial Interdiction, and Close Air Support.

Contact us using the form below for scheduling and pricing.

Global Strike Command Mission Readiness Training

Global Strike Command Mission Readiness Training

Aircrew Combat Mission Training (ACMT)

Aircrew Combat Mission Training
MRT preps air crews for any possibility

Contact Us

8601 Transport Drive
Orlando, FL 32832
Phone: (407) 678-3388
Map and Directions